Wellness Paradise
Taking a sauna relaxes and strengthens the immune system during the flu season.

In our wellness house with sauna and infrared cabin you can relax and do something for your health. Anyone who wants to feel good all round and be well prepared for the coming cold months in the stormy autumn, should go to our sauna.
The sauna is probably Finland's most successful and popular export product of all time. Sweating healthy in a wooden house at 80°C dry heat has long since become not only a Finnish national sport, but also an integral part of the Waldhof.
The power lies in the peace and quiet.
Even if the sauna-tested Finns may smile, some rules and advice should also be known by the home sauna enthusiast. Not so much because he could do something "wrong", but to be able to enjoy the relaxing experience of the sauna to the full.
Typical for the Finnish sauna are its high temperatures between 85° and 88°C with a relatively low humidity of 10 to 30%. Its healing effect is undisputed: Regular sauna visits result in a thorough care and cleansing of the body, they have a relaxing effect and promote health. The general immune system is strengthened and thus the risk of infectious diseases such as colds is considerably reduced.
For a relaxing sauna session, you should above all take your time. Two to three sessions in the sweat bath provide the maximum feel-good effect for the body. You should also observe the following procedure, which optimizes the wellness and health effect. Before your first visit to the sauna, it is best to have a medical examination.

The small 1x1 of the sauna
- Before every sauna bath you should first take a thorough shower.
- Dry yourself off thoroughly. Dry skin sweats better.
- If necessary, take a warm foot bath beforehand. This also promotes the body's ability to sweat.
- First sauna session. (duration: 8 - 15 minutes). For more moisture in the cabin, pour some water over the hot sauna stones. Such infusions have a beneficial effect on the respiratory tract.
- Leave the sauna and move to a ventilated environment. Take a cold shower or immerse yourself in cold water. If you wish, you can bathe your feet again.
- Relax completely for a few minutes. Drink mineral water or a fruit juice mix to compensate for the loss of water.
- Take the second sauna bath and repeat steps "5" and "6".
- Afterwards, remain in complete silence for any length of time and drink as much as you like. If you still have time, lie down in the sun or go to the solarium.
A sauna bath is especially useful for physical recreation and mental relaxation. In order to maintain the effect of the sauna and to avoid unfavourable circulation reactions, you should therefore refrain from sporting activities after the sauna.
Let us spoil you and treat yourself to a day of wellness...